Twitterstorm against CETA
On Monday September 19, the German Social Democrats (SPD) are meeting in Wolfsburg for a party convention to discuss their position on CETA. The meeting is going to be decisive: If the 200 SPD delegates vote against CETA, Germany’s Vice-Chancellor Gabriel will have to stop CETA. The party is deeply divided about the issue. Many […]
On Monday September 19, the German Social Democrats (SPD) are meeting in Wolfsburg for a party convention to discuss their position on CETA. The meeting is going to be decisive: If the 200 SPD delegates vote against CETA, Germany’s Vice-Chancellor Gabriel will have to stop CETA.
The party is deeply divided about the issue. Many party groupings and prominent party members have pleaded to vote against CETA. A twitterstorm on Monday will strengthen the resolve of sceptical delegates that are traveling to Wolfsburg and gathering in a closed-shop meeting in the afternoon (beginning 1pm CET).
Twitterstorm over Wolfsburg #SPDKonvent
So here is our suggestion: On Monday September 19, between 7am and 5pm CET start tweeting using the hashtag #SPDKonvent. By clicking on the buttons below, you can easily use our sample tweets.
- Sample tweet: Don’t be fooled, @SPDde: #CETA is #TTIP by the backdoor #SPDKonvent
2. Sample tweet: Hi @spdde, #TTIP=bad, #CETA=good – you are smart enough not to believe this fairytale!
3. Sample tweet: Hi @SPDde, please stand with people not corporations! #SPDKonvent #StopCetaTTIP
4. Sample tweet: Hi @SPDde, listen to 3.3 million europeans who signed the European Citizens Initiative to stop #CETA! #SPDKonvent #StopCetaTTIP
5. Sample tweet: Hi @SPDde, listen to your voters and stop #CETA! #SPDKonvent #StopCetaTTIP
Prominent backing for critics
Among the prominent critics of CETA is Ernst-Ulrich von Weizsäcker, the founding president of Wuppertal Institute and former member of parliament for SPD. Please support him and many other social democrats, who don’t want to follow Sigmar Gabriel in his fatal course – and start tweeting on Monday!

CETA and TTIP only prolong the illusion that countries like Germany can base their prosperity on export surpluses. As national states approach steady-state, non-growth economies as demanded by the Second Law of Thermodynamics this illusion will die. Those who restructure their economies towards self-sufficiency in food, water, renewable recycled resources without dependence on goods from afar will have the highest living standard. Prerequisite will be a sufficiently low population level to implement a efficient recycling economy.